If you tell a horse "don't run!", chances are, if anything, he will react to the "RUN" part of the command, and start to run. "Don't trot/stand/stop" are ALL likely to have the opposite effect that you may intend them to have, IF they have any effect at all. The horses' brain is not as complex, advanced, and capable of reasoning as the human brain, and consequently, cannot comprehend and deduce what an appropriate opposite may be to a command that they DO know simply because it is preceded by "don't..." or "no..." or "not...".
...And YOUR subconscious is the same way! In fact, the whole Universe is the same way! Both your subconscious and the Universe are very simple, very literal, very reactive, and very incapable of deciphering what you MAY mean when you make commands that are intended to be the negation of what you really DO want!
Imagine that you are a horse, and that you have a very limited vocabulary of commands that you understand and know what to do when you hear them, things like walk, run, trot, cantor, stop, easy, whoa, etc. Now imagine what it would be like if you could slow down the thought process and witness what goes on when someone issues a "don't" command and you hear: "Don't walk!" So you think to yourself...
"Okay - someone just said "don't walk" - I know what "walk" means, but the word "don't" was in front of it, so that must mean that he wants me to do the opposite of "walk"?! Okay, well, hmmm? What is the opposite of walk? "Run" is the opposite of "walk", maybe I should run? Oh dear, "stop" is also the opposite of "walk", so maybe I should do that? Then again, maybe "don't walk" means it is time to stop and eat - that's the opposite of "walk", right??! Wow, actually, now that I think about it, all this talk of walking is really making me want to walk, so I guess I'll just keep that up. That must be right - it's the most logical conclusion! After all, if he wanted me to do something other than "walk" he should have just said so!!!"
You can imagine that this may be the same kind of "thought" process the Universe goes through when we issue a "don't" command - things like "I don't want to be poor", "I don't want to be fat", "I can't get sick", "I'll only date a non-smoker", "NO cancer/drugs/war/violence/poverty/debt", "Don't do that", "Not this again", "I don't like it"... WHAT is the opposite??! What is it that you DO want????!!!
This is the magic question! Most people do not get what they DO want, because:
- They don't know what they DO want, or
- They do not clearly and positively articulate it in their own thoughts and words, and expect the Universe to just "figure it out" for them by doing the opposite of what they don't want.
So, start to get in the habit of phrasing your desires in the positive, and constantly affirming for yourself what you DO want! Here's a few to get you started:
- "Every cell in my body is perfect, whole and complete, and functioning at optimal levels"
- "I love and approve of myself. I am safe"
- "I want to feel good, be happy and joyful, and know that I am loved"
- "I intend to be more and more (rich, slim, sexy, healthy, happy, relaxed, etc.) every day"
Most of all - be happy manifesting what you DO want!