Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ask for it ONCE, then just focus on why...

When you continually ask for a thing, or pray for a new experience/situation repeatedly, the effect is actually contributing to its NOT being manifested yet...

Repeated asking indicates a lack of faith - the message you are sending out to the Universe is: "It's not here yet... Where is it? It's not here!!!" ...And that is precisely the effect which is created - the experience/situation you seek is NOT being manifested.

The solution is to ask ONCE. Clearly write out, affirm, visualize, and/or speak your intended outcome ONE TIME, and let it go (knowing that it MUST now manifest).

After that, if you feel you absolutely must be doing something to "help it along", then concentrate on WHY you want it, and list the reasons that you are aware of that you believe it IS on its way to you now.

You can list the reasons why you want that new experience or situation again and again, over and over, all day long, every day, until the cows come home and it will be continually adding energy to your manifestation - affirming to the Universe that you DO know it's coming and that you are exceptionally excited about it!