Sunday, March 30, 2008

There is NO such thing as "losing" weight...

I was just watching the television show "I Can Make You Thin" on TLC for the first time tonight, and though it is a fantastic show with great NLP techniques, good common sense, and principles that are right in line with the Law of Attraction, I cannot help but be reminded that there really is no such thing as "losing" weight!

The only thing that really exists is pure Source Energy, Love, and perfect Health/Wellness, and weight is merely a matter of our vibration, and whether we align with that or not.

So many people, most in fact, think of themselves as deficient or not-yet-perfect until they "lose that last 15 pounds", and/or make their primary focus of every day to "lose weight". However, unfortunately, the Law of Attraction draws to us that which we focus upon, so, if we are focusing on "weight", THAT is the experience which will EXPAND in our lives! The Universe does not draw a distinction between "losing" weight or "gaining" weight - the Universe only responds to the SUBJECT of our attention, and in this example, it is the "weight" itself, so you get more! (If you want to know more about why the Universe doesn't "know what you mean" when you envision yourself as "losing weight", see my 06/25/07 post on "Don't" commands and negations.)

But, back to the point - you cannot "deactivate" a thought, and you cannot "lose" a thought made manifest. This is the basic premise behind why there is no such thing as "losing weight". Weight is a repeated thought made manifest. You have heard this analogy before, but if someone said to you "don't think of a remote control", or "don't imagine a purple elephant", or "don't tell me what your least favorite feature about yourself is", you cannot help, at least for a split second, to think that thought. And, when you think that thought, you are sending the emotional response that comes with it out into the Universe as a command - not necessarily a very powerful one, but a command nonetheless. It is those commands, particularly the ones with a strong emotional component (a turbo-boost of added energy for stronger broadcast), repeated continuously, on a vibratory level that make up the reality of the life you experience as you!
"When you stand in resistance and shout NO! at something, you are actually saying yes to it by your focus of attention. It becomes an active vibrational component in your life... Instead resolve to talk more about what you DO want and less about what you don't want."

-Esther Hicks channeling Abraham

So, now what to do instead you wonder??!! ...Start to learn to look at the truth of the matter:
  • YOU are beautiful! YOU are perfect, precious, whole and complete!
  • YOU are a divine being - Source Energy made manifest!
  • YOU are magnificent!
  • Your body is a vehicle for YOU (who you REALLY ARE) to experience life and learn to deliberately focus on the reality YOU intend to live!
  • YOU are the essence of Love, health and wellness!
  • YOU are extraordinary!
  • YOU are pure ENERGY!
  • YOU are a Creator!
Think about that... Do you believe it? It's positively true. Your work is not to diet, your work is to train yourself to believe the truth of who YOU really are! Your work is to re-focus your attention from what you dislike about yourself onto what you LIKE about yourself and what you LIKE about your body. Your work is to learn to worship your body - ALL of it - exactly AS IT IS right now... ONLY that work will transform your thoughts which will then transform your reality, but, more importantly, you will begin to love yourself and feel good NOW, and that is ALL that really matters!

So, no matter which philosophy you subscribe to on your action journey of sculpting the ideal physical figure for you, be sure to add the vibratory component of loving yourself a little more each day... Look in the mirror and find one body part to LOVE, then another, then another. Think of yourself as your perfect size and feel how good it feels to be YOU in that physical body - take the time to imagine it as already done without reducing yourself to a goal of a number. And, most importantly, remind yourself of the TRUTH of who YOU REALLY ARE as often as you possibly can - 100 times or more every day - because then, you will finally know...


Thursday, March 27, 2008

"Yes, I know, but..."

Did you know that the phrase "Yes, I know, but _________" can single-handedly keep you locked in to a life you don't really like all that much?

That one phrase is responsible for 95%* of all situations that we detest, but continue to have to suffer through day-in and day-out! It is the single biggest contributor* to the perpetuation of the "What-IS-ness" pandemic in this nation!

In actuality, the phrase "Yes, I know, but _________" is an ORDER to the Universe about how we want our world to be - it is a request, which when used repeatedly (as it often is) creates the conditions which it describes! Let me illustrate:

I have a friend who has a massive project that she needs to finish in the next month in order to have her life move forward in accordance with her plans of the last 7 years (she is finishing her dissertation for her Ph.D.), and, when I encourage her to look at her goal, and her vision, and simply envision it as already done (a very powerful exercise) and describe it to me, she almost cuts me off with all the "Yes, I know, but ______'s" that follow!

"...but I don't have enough time!"
"...but I CAN'T take any more time off of work!"
"...but I need this job to make money!"
"...but I'm tired!"
"...but it's too hard!"
"...but I don't know anyone who can do any of the typing for me!"
"...but I am embarrassed to ask for help!"

The Universe is a GIANT "YES" machine - it hears your request (verbatim) and gives you EXACTLY what you are "wishing" (or "Yes, but-ing") for! When my friend spouts off all of her "Yes, but's", the Universe rewards her with an experience that is EXACTLY what she has asked for:

"YES - you get to experience not having enough time!"
"YES - you get to experience not taking any time off of work!"
"YES - you get to experience needing this exact job"
*and* (bonus)
"YES - you get to experience needing to make money!"
*and* (another bonus)
"YES - you get to experience making only the same paltry sum you now make!"
"YES - you get to experience being tired!"
"YES - you get to experience it as hard!"
"YES - you get to experience not knowing anyone who can do any of the typing for me!"
"YES - you get to experience feeling embarrassed to ask for help!"

Next time you catch yourself responding to input (from a friend, or, even worse, from YOURSELF) with "Yes, I know, but _________" try to keep in mind that it IS, in itself, a request to the Universe for what you want to be experiencing, then, try to turn it around into a statement of what you would like to be experiencing instead. Just a simple affirmation about what you REALLY do want can do wonders!

As for me, I want to experience making plenty of money doing what I love to do! I want to experience having plenty of energy and vim and vigor and enthusiasm for every minute of my day! And I want to interact with friends who value my expertise and support enough to not say "yes, I know, but _______" to my loving suggestions! (wink and a smile!)

...Stay tuned for more on telling a NEW story!!!

* = These statistics are entirely fabricated, but, may be MUCH closer to the truth than any of us can imagine!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Make your VISION your NEW story!

Your thoughts create your reality. ...CREATE your reality! So, start speaking the thoughts that are the reality you WANT to be creating!!! Let me explain...

At a recent Abraham-Hicks "Art of Allowing" workshop in Los Angeles (02/03/08) there was a gentleman who got up to speak about his work, and not being able to make a lot of money at it - that being "fettered by money" was his "Achilles heel".... Abraham said, whoa, whoa there, you have to tell a DIFFERENT STORY! The gist of the wisdom was that in order to make money, or achieve anything at all, you have to start telling the story about it in a way that feels good NOW! They went on to say (and I am paraphrasing from memory here) that you cannot expect to keep telling people "I am a ________, but I don't make any money at it" and expect to make money at it! You have to tell the story that is in accordance (in alignment) with the way you WANT it to be. This is not to say that you can make 'pie-in-the-sky' claims that even you don't believe, but that sharing your vision of what is in the PROCESS of becoming is much more powerful than explaining what has been thus far - your "story" (...especially if the story of what has been thus far is NOT exactly what you want)!!

Think of the exuberance of a little kid who has his sights set on getting a new bike for his birthday - you can just hear him telling the world and anyone else who will listen "I'm going to get a new red bike! And it's going to be red, and it has two big wheels, and I can ride it all by myself, and I can go anywhere I want to go, and it's going to be red, and I can ride it really fast and it has cool handle grips, and it's going to be red..." and on and on it goes! Now Abraham would say that the new red bike is in the boy's "Vibrational Escrow" and that it is his excitement, enthusiasm, exuberance, and good-feeling vibration when he tells the "story" of him and his bike that IS the "Art of Allowing" the bike into manifestation. Another way to say it is that the new red bike already exists in the boy's VISION of his own future, and his reality is that it IS on his way to him now. It is his telling of the STORY of the bike coming that is having the effect of allowing it to actually become a reality in his world - it doesn't matter through what channels it actually comes (maybe his grandmother bought it for him, maybe he saved his allowance or earned money doing odd jobs for folks, maybe he won a contest) but it was his own excitement over the idea that what he wanted was a new red bike that gave everyone around him the idea and the potential to fulfill his wish!

Each one of us can do the same thing! And it really is as simple as taking some aspect of our own vision for ourselves (with dreams fulfilled) and making it the story we are telling NOW!

When somebody asks me what I am working on these days, rather than re-iterating again (for the gazillionth time) that things are kinda slow, I can tell them about MY "new red bike" that is alive and well in my vibrational escrow account, and I can say:
"Things are going great - I have clients that I am working with one-on-one, I am making a big difference in people's lives, I am LOVING what I am doing, and I am really excited about how natural it feels for me, I feel like I am actually creating more JOY in the world with the connections I am making both with and for clients and friends alike, my blog is really exciting to me, I am working on some book ideas and even toying with a TV show idea! I love how easy it is for me to communicate to others that they CAN achieve their dreams, that they CAN do it, and I love being the person they turn to when they need a "pick-me-up" because they KNOW that I believe in them! And, I keep having awesome new ideas for services that I think people will really like! My work is poised to bring in a lot of money for me, and it is starting to bloom - it is really neat to be watching it all become something so cool!"
This is all true - it is taken right out of what I "know" about my future and what it will look like when my current dreams are fulfilled - my VISION for myself. There is absolutely NO obligation to re-state any aspect of my "story" that is not as I would like it to be right now. There is NO "truth-in-lending" full-story disclosure police that will come down and haunt my vision... In fact, it is the very insistence to keep repeating the aspects of our stories that we do not like that IS what is haunting us - by making it so our vision cannot manifest itself - because we keep saying it can't!!! (Remember the gentleman above who kept affirming that he doesn't make any money and was wondering why he didn't make any money!) Sound's pretty simple when you think of it that way, doesn't it!!!???

So take a look into your VISION for yourself, for your life, for your work - what will it look like when some of your nearest and dearest dreams are fulfilled? What are your reasons for wanting those goals fulfilled? How does it make you feel? How will you feel when that vision is exactly what you are actually doing?

Now incorporate some aspects of what you see for yourself in your vision (in your own vibrational escrow account) into the story you tell about yourself/your work NOW... Take out any mention of what is not currently to your liking, or, transform it into an aspect that is "becoming" what you want it to be. Develop a "story" about yourself that makes YOU FEEL GOOD when you tell it to someone who asks how you are or what you are up to! ...Even if it is just for yourself - make your VISION your NEW story and see how much faster YOUR new "red bike" starts to show up in your life!

And, if you are up to the challenge, dash off an e-mail to me right now and tell me your NEW story for yourself! What is in YOUR vision for yourself? I know that THAT is who you REALLY are! I believe in YOU - I would LOVE to be the first to hear the REAL story of what you are up to now!!!! Send your NEW story to

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

MY world...

My work is based on the idea that MY thoughts create what I experience to be MY reality - in other words, MY thoughts create MY world... I want to share MY world with you:
  • MY world is one of abundance for ALL - there is plenty of clean air to breathe, healthy delicious food to eat, and nourishing, life-giving, pure water to drink - plenty...
  • In MY reality, all people are learning to live together in harmony, in love, in peace, in kindness, and in mutual respect. In MY world, people are generous of spirit with one another and lift one another up with a smile, a word, a deed, and the knowledge of our inter-connectedness that surpasses all but the thread of love that weaves us...
  • In MY world everyone is doing work they LOVE to do - that inspires them, fulfills them, satisfies them, sustains them, and utilizes the unique gifts that we were each put here to use...
  • MY world has MORE than enough of everything for everybody who wants it - when something is temporarily in short supply, something NEW will be invented or a new process will take it's place to fill the need...
  • In MY reality each of us is living a life of JOY and beauty and love - sure, there may be moments of frustration or challenge, but only so long as it takes to forge new ideas of where to grow from here, to identify what new channel of satisfaction and fulfillment can be created from the new information I am living (and loving) today...
  • In MY world there is plenty of gas, homes, wheat, banks, oil, space, land, water, bandwidth, time, money, and resources to fill every need, and, when one of these (or something else) seems to be in short supply, it only means that something EVEN BETTER is on it's way...
  • MY reality is such that every cell in my body is perfect, whole, and complete and functioning at optimal levels - I am feeling better and better ALL the time - I am of pure, perfect health and wholeness, and MY world is sustaining me perfectly...
  • MY reality is so incredibly rich and abundant and free - in MY world, money is as simple as the energy flow of love and the more I am consciously and consistently sending the energy of love out from me, money is flowing right back in to me. In MY world, this is how it works for everybody - the energy of love is endless and thus, the flow of money is endless...
  • In MY world, I am surrounded only by people and situations that are in harmony with my intentions...
  • In MY reality I KNOW that there are thousands of examples of "good news" stories for every tragedy I accidentally hear about from a television broadcast - in MY world the media corporations don't televise the good news because there are SO MANY examples and instances that they simply don't have time...
  • ALL of my relationships are harmonious in MY world - I am happy and contented and peaceful in my interactions with friends, family, and all the people I come into contact with on a daily basis. My closest relationships are satisfying, fulfilling, loving, joyful, communicative, and enriching - I am in a glorious loving relationship with MY OWN true self, and all others flow harmoniously from there...
  • In MY world everything I become aware of can be turned around to benefit me, inspire me, teach me, help me to refine the ideas I have about what I want to experience next, and assist me in learning to love more...
  • In MY world we are all living EXACTLY the lives we truly want to be living, and if it isn't quite there yet, it just means that it is still on the way and I have MUCH to be excited about!!
...And MY world can be YOUR world too!

It is my plan to meditate on this vision of MY world for a moment each morning - to paint the picture of MY reality so firmly in my mind that what I experience can be no other way for me! Law of Attraction tells us that we manifest what we focus upon, and I choose to manifest MY version of reality! I am overcome with gratitude and appreciation that each and every one of us has the freedom to create their own vision in exactly the same way - we can choose to focus on the world the way the TV news would have it be, or we can choose to see it in a more loving and gentle light. It is my belief that as we choose it, so to we experience it - it is an individual choice. YOUR world IS what YOU choose it to be!

As for me, I intend to ONLY see examples of what reflects MY chosen reality back to me!

And so it is.