Sunday, March 30, 2008

There is NO such thing as "losing" weight...

I was just watching the television show "I Can Make You Thin" on TLC for the first time tonight, and though it is a fantastic show with great NLP techniques, good common sense, and principles that are right in line with the Law of Attraction, I cannot help but be reminded that there really is no such thing as "losing" weight!

The only thing that really exists is pure Source Energy, Love, and perfect Health/Wellness, and weight is merely a matter of our vibration, and whether we align with that or not.

So many people, most in fact, think of themselves as deficient or not-yet-perfect until they "lose that last 15 pounds", and/or make their primary focus of every day to "lose weight". However, unfortunately, the Law of Attraction draws to us that which we focus upon, so, if we are focusing on "weight", THAT is the experience which will EXPAND in our lives! The Universe does not draw a distinction between "losing" weight or "gaining" weight - the Universe only responds to the SUBJECT of our attention, and in this example, it is the "weight" itself, so you get more! (If you want to know more about why the Universe doesn't "know what you mean" when you envision yourself as "losing weight", see my 06/25/07 post on "Don't" commands and negations.)

But, back to the point - you cannot "deactivate" a thought, and you cannot "lose" a thought made manifest. This is the basic premise behind why there is no such thing as "losing weight". Weight is a repeated thought made manifest. You have heard this analogy before, but if someone said to you "don't think of a remote control", or "don't imagine a purple elephant", or "don't tell me what your least favorite feature about yourself is", you cannot help, at least for a split second, to think that thought. And, when you think that thought, you are sending the emotional response that comes with it out into the Universe as a command - not necessarily a very powerful one, but a command nonetheless. It is those commands, particularly the ones with a strong emotional component (a turbo-boost of added energy for stronger broadcast), repeated continuously, on a vibratory level that make up the reality of the life you experience as you!
"When you stand in resistance and shout NO! at something, you are actually saying yes to it by your focus of attention. It becomes an active vibrational component in your life... Instead resolve to talk more about what you DO want and less about what you don't want."

-Esther Hicks channeling Abraham

So, now what to do instead you wonder??!! ...Start to learn to look at the truth of the matter:
  • YOU are beautiful! YOU are perfect, precious, whole and complete!
  • YOU are a divine being - Source Energy made manifest!
  • YOU are magnificent!
  • Your body is a vehicle for YOU (who you REALLY ARE) to experience life and learn to deliberately focus on the reality YOU intend to live!
  • YOU are the essence of Love, health and wellness!
  • YOU are extraordinary!
  • YOU are pure ENERGY!
  • YOU are a Creator!
Think about that... Do you believe it? It's positively true. Your work is not to diet, your work is to train yourself to believe the truth of who YOU really are! Your work is to re-focus your attention from what you dislike about yourself onto what you LIKE about yourself and what you LIKE about your body. Your work is to learn to worship your body - ALL of it - exactly AS IT IS right now... ONLY that work will transform your thoughts which will then transform your reality, but, more importantly, you will begin to love yourself and feel good NOW, and that is ALL that really matters!

So, no matter which philosophy you subscribe to on your action journey of sculpting the ideal physical figure for you, be sure to add the vibratory component of loving yourself a little more each day... Look in the mirror and find one body part to LOVE, then another, then another. Think of yourself as your perfect size and feel how good it feels to be YOU in that physical body - take the time to imagine it as already done without reducing yourself to a goal of a number. And, most importantly, remind yourself of the TRUTH of who YOU REALLY ARE as often as you possibly can - 100 times or more every day - because then, you will finally know...