Monday, April 28, 2008

What do *I* really want?

It is SO easy to think "as soon as he does this, then I will be happy and able to do that" or, "when X finally happens, then I can know that it is possible for me to do Y" or, a real biggie, "when I have the $$$, then I can ________!" And, even reading those sentences, it seems as if there is some legitimacy to thinking that way, at least in some situations... Doesn't it?

But what if it is the other way around? What if, in the grand scheme of things, it HAS to be the other way around?

What if you MUST start doing that BEFORE you can be happy / he will do whatever this is?
What if you MUST be doing Y before X can even BEGIN to happen?
What if you MUST start working toward ________ BEFORE you can get any $$ for it?

...What if you need to decide in YOUR heart that you WANT the promotion at work before the idea can even be planted in the minds of your superiors?
...What if you need to remember for yourself how intensely lovable he already IS before the thought even occurs to him to bring you flowers?
...What if you want to start to make a dream come true so badly that you have to actually start working on it without funding to prove to the Universe that you are really serious before a mere idea of how to attract some money from it will materialize?

What if the act of me deciding specifically what I want (and why I want it) will affect some condition that seemingly has nothing to do with me that will then enable my desire to come about?

This seems to be the case in a story I have recently experienced first hand: My husband has been trying to decide between three job offers he has. Now to me, it seems as if it is a total no-brainer - I mean, hands-down, no questions asked, one of the three choices is a clear winner for us - it is everything we have wanted, and more! ...At least, that is how *I* see it. But, mystifyingly to me, he is not so clear on what is "obviously" the winning choice. So I started to wonder what could be going on here? Why is it that something so clear to me is not so clear to him? It got me to thinking about how we have to "pay the piper" in advance in a life of attraction - the Universe requires us to pony up our OWN enthusiasm BEFORE it will see fit to give us what we want... In fact, that is HOW the Universe KNOWS what we want! I started to wonder if my husband was simply being a little microcosm of the Universe reflecting back to me my OWN waffling with regard to what I truly want in my life??? So I tried a little experiment - I started listing in my own mind the benefits of the job offer I wanted him to want... Listing the what and the why...

I love the city I'm living in! Why? I love the beach, I love the weather, I love my friends, I love the organizations I am a part of, I love my sense of home, I love being near my family...
I love my career here! Why? I love that I am in charge of my own schedule, I love that I have contacts and clients and friends here who are pulling for me, believe in me, and want me to succeed, I love that I am making money doing what I love to do, and it is all through word of mouth referrals, I love that my vast network of friends here all want to assist me, I love that the Universe is sending me both resources and ideas easily because I am happy here...
I love my lifestyle! Why? I love that I live in a bright, airy, warm, beautiful house that is close to so many amenities I appreciate, I love that I can walk to the beach, I love that I can walk to at least 12 restaurants that I enjoy (and three little markets, too) and that 100's more are within a handful of miles, I love that I work from my house and my house is a nice place to be, I love that this is my reality, and that appreciating it comes very easily to me!

On the other hand, I know someone else whose life is made up of three part-time jobs: As an under-appreciated paralegal in a law firm to pay the bills, a web programmer, and a jewelry designer. What she really wants is one full-time career doing one of the jobs (Owning her own business in the web world, I think). But, because she also likes at least one of the other two (jewelry designing, and selling a bit of it here and there on one of her web sites (and, if you can listen through her complaining and refusal to quit the paralegal gig, I suspect she secretly likes it too, if only because it is the "devil she knows" and quitting is too scary for her!!!)) Anyway, her intention is to keep her options open in case her first choice doesn't pan out. I see the nobility of her desire, I see that she would be perfectly happy with the 2nd choice career rather than the first (if, as she says, she could "make it" as a jewelry designer at a sustainable level), and I see that she really IS trying to succeed (at all three jobs!!) But, what I don't see is the passion she says she has for the first-choice job really pushed full-throttle toward doing that one! (And that one only!) ...And I am convinced that the Universe only really reacts to the kind of passion that will not be dissuaded - it's as if the Universe can feel it when "no less will do" and then, in response to the seriousness of the command, it really gets busy! I keep trying to encourage her to really focus on just the one - not to stop doing the others necessarily, because she gets more of her income from the paralegal gig, but, to use ALL of her mental power, imagination, and intention to simply concentrate on the one that is her first choice! Yeah, maybe she spends some time doing the others, but when it comes to what she is eating, sleeping, thinking, dreaming, and most of all, SPEAKING to others about, with regard to what she is doing - the focus MUST be on the ONE that she really wants! I try to encourage her to temporarily set aside the one that is both the least profitable AND not the most powerful desire (the jewelry) and focus every bit of attention she has on the web work - to the exclusion of even social engagements or other extra-curricular activities - for a month, or two, just to see what happens. I think that if she REALLY focused on ONE desire - focusing on what she wants and WHY she wants it - she would see some startling results! But, alas, so far this is only a theory, as she hasn't taken my advice. Well see, maybe she will, one of these days, and "suddenly" go from being a starving hopeful to being an "overnight" success??!! I'll keep you posted...

...There is a phrase that says: "Yes, you CAN have it all - just not all at the same time!" and I think that is very true!

One final illustration to convey my point on FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS: I was asked for advice from someone who was looking for a job, and he said that he was good at x, y and z. (I don't remember what the x, y, and z actually were, but they were disparate skills.) Now I know that he meant that he could happily do any of those things - not that he wanted to do them all simultaneously, but, my first thought was yikes - those things are entirely different job categories! Unfortunately, the UNIVERSE IS VERY LITERAL! As much as we like to think that the Universe MUST know that what we really mean is to only do the one that is the favorite, the fact of the matter is that the Universe really responds the same way my first impression did with regard to the potential job seeker: I don't know of ANY jobs where you do x, y, AND z!!! ...Or, if I can think of one, it's going to take me a LONG time to find it for ya!

Whew! ...So I guess I have to get really clear on what I MOST want and why I want it before I can expect the Universe to help me out, huh?

Then, mere hours after starting this post, as if in answer to my ponderings, the Universe influenced my husband by sweetening the deal for him, leading him to the aforementioned "obvious" conclusion, and he accepted the perfect job for him (and the perfect situation for me!) This may seem like a coincidence to many, but, for any who know my husband's remarkable ability to waffle on a decision, this was a miracle! (...One that you and I both know was made possible by MY connection with MY desire and enthusiasm for it!)

Wishing you ALL the same power of joy, confidence, connection, enthusiasm, and miracles that come with focusing on ONE dream, ONE desire, ONE goal at a time - giving YOURSELF the gift of getting really clear on why you want it - the Universe will do the rest!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You ARE on the right path!

What if you knew that EXACTLY what you are doing right now, today, this week, right this minute was the PRECISELY correct action to take you where you ultimately want to be in your life?

What would that feel like?

You may be sitting there, in a job you don't particularly like, looking for a way to take another break, but unsure of the vibratory effect of yet one more cup of coffee, you are simply sitting for now... Or maybe you know what you "should" be doing to make some progress, but, you don't really feel like it right now... Perhaps you are indulging in my all-time favorite time-wasting activity and watching the television, lamenting the time NOT spent on the treadmill, outside, with your family, reading, writing, painting, planning - anything but what you ARE doing right this minute? ...Even sleeping, eating, showering, or web-surfing - all things we must do on a daily (or almost daily) basis, yet, they don't seem to be things that are directly related to the fulfillment of our dreams and goals! ( least, not most of the time!)

What if what you are doing RIGHT NOW is the EXACT activity that is ABSOLUTELY necessary to the fulfillment of your fondest wishes and goals???!

What if not only what you are doing right this minute is absolutely necessary to the fulfillment of your desires (because, right this minute, you are reading my blog, and that is DEFINITELY helpful for the achievement of any one's goals!!!! (wink and a smile!)) but, EVERY action that you take today is absolutely, positively necessary to your progression along your path??? ...The commute, the traffic, the seemingly mundane lunch, the phone calls, the billboard that caught your eye, the annoying guy in the next cubicle, the memo that you hate to write but must do all the same, the television, the distractions, all of it???!

How would your current life look different, feel different, if you KNEW that ALL of it was an INTEGRAL part of creating the YOU that will eventually be experiencing ALL of your dreams??!

Guess what? It IS! All of it.

How exciting is that? Pretty darn exciting when you observe the traffic jam you are stuck in and ponder the idea that it is and absolutely necessary part of your path to your own dreams! Now it may not be directly obvious how that can be true, it may never be, but the point is to be able to look at some situation in your life and KNOW that it IS helping you - however indirectly that may be!

So, the next time you catch yourself frustrated, aggravated, overwhelmed, or even just plain bored, try asking yourself: "How might THIS situation, AS IS, be helping me in the long run? What is this situation showing me about where I am going in LIFE? What are some aspects of this that are HELPING me, right now??"

...Maybe it is only to be more clear about what you DO want in your life, but, when you spend some time thinking about and pondering THAT - I guarantee that you will be FEELING better about exactly where you ARE! ...And THAT is the key to the Law of Attraction: Feel better about where you ARE in life, so you can attract more of THAT! It is what is meant by the "art of allowing" - allowing what IS to be, as it is, without trying to change it, and thus, allowing yourself to focus on it's benefits to you rather than any frustration that may be present.

Your inner self, your own higher you, the REAL YOU and the Universe are conspiring and calling your attention to everything that comes into your awareness right now - all with the singular purpose of using it to craft and fine-tune YOU to be able to be the YOU that will be experiencing the dreams YOU have! ...It is BY you, and it is FOR you!

For instance, as I was finishing up the line above, trying to finish this very post, the computer suddenly went blank - it had run out of juice, and went dark without warning. For a moment I was quite frustrated, as I enjoy finishing things and moving on, and here I was, SO close to finishing and posting, then poof! After a minute of looking for a power source in order to "change my situation" without any success, I decided to try my own advice on myself... I asked myself: "okay, so little miss smarty-pants, what could be the good in THIS situation for YOU, Andrea? Why might the sudden IN-ability to continue writing and get this post out to the eager masses of loyal fans be a GOOD thing? How might this situation be EXACTLY the right circumstance to move me along the path to my own dreams of glory or being offered a book deal????!" Silence. I couldn't think of anything. Zilch. But, on the other hand, I wasn't spending the downtime raging against the injustice of it all either - I was actively looking for the positive, or even, the necessarily neutral in the situation, and thus, felt a sense of inner peace with it all. ...I wasn't annoyed and frustrated anymore either! That is the REAL beauty of it! The goal is not necessarily to be happy-go-lucky all the time, just NOT to be focused on the upset!!! As it turns out, when I finally got back to being able to continue working on the post, I had used some more of my interim time to pick up a book a love and start to read a bit. (The book is "The Passion Test" by Janet and Chris Attwood - a book I highly recommend to anyone who is on the path of crafting where it is they think they want to go in life and or fulfilling big dreams and wondering the best way to go about it - it has a remarkable ability to give one a sense of confidence in the pure power of simply following one's own fascinations!) In it, I immediately found a quote that confirmed the wisdom of what I had been writing in the post in the first place: "Your challenge is to stay open, let go of your concepts about how your life should be, and embrace the way it IS! ...When you love the PROCESS, the results will take care of themselves!" (emphasis added)

What this all means to me is a confirmation of the ideas I had presented at the beginning of this post - that this IS the right path! What I am doing RIGHT NOW has a greater purpose for me, even if I don't know what it is right now! That staying open to the ideas about how any (and every) moment might be of benefit to me, I am allowing greater and greater levels of clarification, and, perhaps, even actual progress toward my goals and dreams even if I am not consciously aware of HOW that could be possible. And, most of all, by looking for the grace that might be living in any situation I may find myself to be in, I am much more likely to find it. And that, in itself, is the essence of the Law of Attraction - choose to focus on the good and the desirable, and make it your intention to feel good despite the circumstances and conditions you find yourself in, as THAT is the way to get to where your heart wants to go! And that, as far as I know, is what we all really want anyway!

Take heart... You ARE on the right path!
...Simply because you allow yourself to see that you are!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

18 minutes to know who you REALLY are!

I just read a NY Times article which includes a video of a lecture given by a brain scientist in which she describes the process of having a stroke, from the inside out, and simultaneously "discovering" that any disconnection we feel from each other, and from life, is ALL in our minds!

This is SO SO SO cool, and, for me, conveys in no uncertain terms, the TRUTH of who we all REALLY are! We ARE divine beings having a human experience! ...And science, through the actual experience of a scientist, is now beginning to prove it!

There are other fantastic video lectures at the TED site, and I intend to also write some more about the significance of this video specifically as it pertains to the Law of Attraction, but, I wanted to get it out to you as soon as possible!

Today is YOUR day - ENJOY it!!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How much JOY can $600 buy??!

$600 can buy ME lots and lots and LOTS of JOY!
...What about you?????

There is an exercise described in the Abraham-Hicks book "Ask and It IS Given" called the $100 process, and it is a process by which you go to the bank and get a fresh, crisp, lovely $100 bill (my "best friend Ben" as I like to call them!) and you carry it around in your pocket, or wallet, or anywhere you will see it all the time, and remember that you have $100 that you could spend if you wished. Emphasis on the word "could"! The $100 bill is used as a reminder to KNOW that as you come across things or experiences that cost $100 (thereabout) and would give you JOY, or that you would love, or that would bring with them a sense of satisfaction, you COULD buy that exquisite little something if you chose to do so. Now if you were to actually spend it on the first thing you saw, it would only work once. The real point is to spend it over and over and over again in your mind, each time taking a moment to luxuriate in the feelings of satisfaction and happiness and playful fun while imagining yourself buying/using that item for yourself, and then to do it again, and again, and again. The process is supposed to build up a sense of prosperity in your subconscious while you luxuriate in the ABILITY to buy anything you want (for $100) if you were to choose to actually do so.

However, for me, the process didn't quite work out that way. It seems I could never quite trick myself into thinking that I REALLY could use that hard-earned $100 bill on something frivolous if I wanted to - not when I was using the credit card to buy groceries, and the simple act of withdrawing that $100 bill from the bank left my checking account teetering not far above! Abraham stresses that it doesn't work if you use an I.O.U. in place of the $100, because your brain is too smart to be fooled into believing that the I.O.U. is really good for anything (and stores certainly won't take them...) Well, for me, the $100 bill might as well have been an I.O.U., because my brain STILL didn't think that I could really afford to use it "just" for joy when I really needed it for rent!

But then my friend, musician Kim Jones, told me about a twist she has put on the idea of the $100 process, and that is to MENTALLY SPEND your "economic stimulus check" before you get it!!!!! It is brilliant! It is even BETTER than the $100 process because:
  1. It's $600 dollars!!!!
  2. It's YOURS!
  3. It REALLY is coming to you (...whether or not your politics allow you to believe it should be or not)!!
  4. It's not here yet, so all you CAN do with it is mentally spend it until it arrives!
  5. And, BEST of all, according to our "illustrious" president, the PURPOSE of the refund is to SPEND it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The president has actually said (...let me find the quote here, hmmm, don't want to waste energy on that, so I'll paraphrase what I THINK he has actually said) that the checks are intended to encourage people to use them on purchases in stores, to stimulate the economy!!! Woo-hoo, don't worry about rent, your mortgage, power, home heating oil, credit card bills, gas, food, or other necessities of basic living - Go spend your $600 in stores to buy STUFF!!!!! But, as ridiculous as that is, we can ALL still use it to our own benefit in ATTRACTING more prosperity with it BEFORE we spend it on what we really need ( rent, the mortgage, power, home heating oil, credit card bills, gas, food, etc. )!!!!!!! THAT is the REAL woo-hoooooooooooo!!!!!

It REALLY is brilliant from a Law of Attraction and Law of Allowing perspective (though I doubt that was the original motivation for the plan) because we really CAN use it as an exponentially more powerful $100 process, and spend time mentally focusing on and thinking about ALL THE FUN we could have with $600 to spend on ANYTHING!!!! Because what we focus on ALWAYS expands and draws the subject of our focus into our experience, we can magnetise literally thousands of $ into our reality by using the time in between now and May (when the checks are expected to start arriving) to focus as much and as often as possible on the JOY we could buy with that $600!!!!

The ONLY key is that it MUST be something that brings you JOY - you must feel excited and eager, and happy when you think of spending the $600 (at least while you are mentally doing it prior to actually receiving the check). It's not FUN to spend money on rent, or bills, or even socking it away in a savings account - so the only limitation on mentally spending the $600 is that you are limited to FUN mental spending!!!

...I could get massages every week for two months! ...I could buy a used jacuzzi or hot-tub, or even better, I could combine my $600 with my husband's and buy a NEW one (Ahhhhh, can't you just feel that soothing warm water caressing the skin!) ...I could buy a mini-vacation! ...I could buy some awesome new clothes that make me feel hot! ...I could hire someone to clean my house for me for almost 5 months (every other week, but hey, I'll take it!!!) ...Oh yeah, the new iPhone - now we're talkin'! ...I could treat my husband and I to spectacular restaurants, nibbling on gourmet edibles, every week for a month - savoring every bite! Yummmmmmmmm.

...And those are just a few that I thought up quickly for the purpose of illustration!

Send me some of yours at:, and I will post them (with or without names) so we can ALL benefit from JOYOUSLY spending millions worth of prosperity and wealth, $600 at a time!

I am looking forward to hearing from you!