...What about you?????
There is an exercise described in the Abraham-Hicks book "Ask and It IS Given" called the $100 process, and it is a process by which you go to the bank and get a fresh, crisp, lovely $100 bill (my "best friend Ben" as I like to call them!) and you carry it around in your pocket, or wallet, or anywhere you will see it all the time, and remember that you have $100 that you could spend if you wished. Emphasis on the word "could"! The $100 bill is used as a reminder to KNOW that as you come across things or experiences that cost $100 (thereabout) and would give you JOY, or that you would love, or that would bring with them a sense of satisfaction, you COULD buy that exquisite little something if you chose to do so. Now if you were to actually spend it on the first thing you saw, it would only work once. The real point is to spend it over and over and over again in your mind, each time taking a moment to luxuriate in the feelings of satisfaction and happiness and playful fun while imagining yourself buying/using that item for yourself, and then to do it again, and again, and again. The process is supposed to build up a sense of prosperity in your subconscious while you luxuriate in the ABILITY to buy anything you want (for $100) if you were to choose to actually do so.
However, for me, the process didn't quite work out that way. It seems I could never quite trick myself into thinking that I REALLY could use that hard-earned $100 bill on something frivolous if I wanted to - not when I was using the credit card to buy groceries, and the simple act of withdrawing that $100 bill from the bank left my checking account teetering not far above! Abraham stresses that it doesn't work if you use an I.O.U. in place of the $100, because your brain is too smart to be fooled into believing that the I.O.U. is really good for anything (and stores certainly won't take them...) Well, for me, the $100 bill might as well have been an I.O.U., because my brain STILL didn't think that I could really afford to use it "just" for joy when I really needed it for rent!
But then my friend, musician Kim Jones, told me about a twist she has put on the idea of the $100 process, and that is to MENTALLY SPEND your "economic stimulus check" before you get it!!!!! It is brilliant! It is even BETTER than the $100 process because:
The president has actually said (...let me find the quote here, hmmm, don't want to waste energy on that, so I'll paraphrase what I THINK he has actually said) that the checks are intended to encourage people to use them on purchases in stores, to stimulate the economy!!! Woo-hoo, don't worry about rent, your mortgage, power, home heating oil, credit card bills, gas, food, or other necessities of basic living - Go spend your $600 in stores to buy STUFF!!!!! But, as ridiculous as that is, we can ALL still use it to our own benefit in ATTRACTING more prosperity with it BEFORE we spend it on what we really need ( rent, the mortgage, power, home heating oil, credit card bills, gas, food, etc. )!!!!!!! THAT is the REAL woo-hoooooooooooo!!!!!
- It's $600 dollars!!!!
- It's YOURS!
- It REALLY is coming to you (...whether or not your politics allow you to believe it should be or not)!!
- It's not here yet, so all you CAN do with it is mentally spend it until it arrives!
- And, BEST of all, according to our "illustrious" president, the PURPOSE of the refund is to SPEND it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It REALLY is brilliant from a Law of Attraction and Law of Allowing perspective (though I doubt that was the original motivation for the plan) because we really CAN use it as an exponentially more powerful $100 process, and spend time mentally focusing on and thinking about ALL THE FUN we could have with $600 to spend on ANYTHING!!!! Because what we focus on ALWAYS expands and draws the subject of our focus into our experience, we can magnetise literally thousands of $ into our reality by using the time in between now and May (when the checks are expected to start arriving) to focus as much and as often as possible on the JOY we could buy with that $600!!!!
The ONLY key is that it MUST be something that brings you JOY - you must feel excited and eager, and happy when you think of spending the $600 (at least while you are mentally doing it prior to actually receiving the check). It's not FUN to spend money on rent, or bills, or even socking it away in a savings account - so the only limitation on mentally spending the $600 is that you are limited to FUN mental spending!!!
...I could get massages every week for two months! ...I could buy a used jacuzzi or hot-tub, or even better, I could combine my $600 with my husband's and buy a NEW one (Ahhhhh, can't you just feel that soothing warm water caressing the skin!) ...I could buy a mini-vacation! ...I could buy some awesome new clothes that make me feel hot! ...I could hire someone to clean my house for me for almost 5 months (every other week, but hey, I'll take it!!!) ...Oh yeah, the new iPhone - now we're talkin'! ...I could treat my husband and I to spectacular restaurants, nibbling on gourmet edibles, every week for a month - savoring every bite! Yummmmmmmmm.
...And those are just a few that I thought up quickly for the purpose of illustration!
Send me some of yours at: Andrea@theWANTshop.com, and I will post them (with or without names) so we can ALL benefit from JOYOUSLY spending millions worth of prosperity and wealth, $600 at a time!
I am looking forward to hearing from you!