Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You ARE on the right path!

What if you knew that EXACTLY what you are doing right now, today, this week, right this minute was the PRECISELY correct action to take you where you ultimately want to be in your life?

What would that feel like?

You may be sitting there, in a job you don't particularly like, looking for a way to take another break, but unsure of the vibratory effect of yet one more cup of coffee, you are simply sitting for now... Or maybe you know what you "should" be doing to make some progress, but, you don't really feel like it right now... Perhaps you are indulging in my all-time favorite time-wasting activity and watching the television, lamenting the time NOT spent on the treadmill, outside, with your family, reading, writing, painting, planning - anything but what you ARE doing right this minute? ...Even sleeping, eating, showering, or web-surfing - all things we must do on a daily (or almost daily) basis, yet, they don't seem to be things that are directly related to the fulfillment of our dreams and goals! ( least, not most of the time!)

What if what you are doing RIGHT NOW is the EXACT activity that is ABSOLUTELY necessary to the fulfillment of your fondest wishes and goals???!

What if not only what you are doing right this minute is absolutely necessary to the fulfillment of your desires (because, right this minute, you are reading my blog, and that is DEFINITELY helpful for the achievement of any one's goals!!!! (wink and a smile!)) but, EVERY action that you take today is absolutely, positively necessary to your progression along your path??? ...The commute, the traffic, the seemingly mundane lunch, the phone calls, the billboard that caught your eye, the annoying guy in the next cubicle, the memo that you hate to write but must do all the same, the television, the distractions, all of it???!

How would your current life look different, feel different, if you KNEW that ALL of it was an INTEGRAL part of creating the YOU that will eventually be experiencing ALL of your dreams??!

Guess what? It IS! All of it.

How exciting is that? Pretty darn exciting when you observe the traffic jam you are stuck in and ponder the idea that it is and absolutely necessary part of your path to your own dreams! Now it may not be directly obvious how that can be true, it may never be, but the point is to be able to look at some situation in your life and KNOW that it IS helping you - however indirectly that may be!

So, the next time you catch yourself frustrated, aggravated, overwhelmed, or even just plain bored, try asking yourself: "How might THIS situation, AS IS, be helping me in the long run? What is this situation showing me about where I am going in LIFE? What are some aspects of this that are HELPING me, right now??"

...Maybe it is only to be more clear about what you DO want in your life, but, when you spend some time thinking about and pondering THAT - I guarantee that you will be FEELING better about exactly where you ARE! ...And THAT is the key to the Law of Attraction: Feel better about where you ARE in life, so you can attract more of THAT! It is what is meant by the "art of allowing" - allowing what IS to be, as it is, without trying to change it, and thus, allowing yourself to focus on it's benefits to you rather than any frustration that may be present.

Your inner self, your own higher you, the REAL YOU and the Universe are conspiring and calling your attention to everything that comes into your awareness right now - all with the singular purpose of using it to craft and fine-tune YOU to be able to be the YOU that will be experiencing the dreams YOU have! ...It is BY you, and it is FOR you!

For instance, as I was finishing up the line above, trying to finish this very post, the computer suddenly went blank - it had run out of juice, and went dark without warning. For a moment I was quite frustrated, as I enjoy finishing things and moving on, and here I was, SO close to finishing and posting, then poof! After a minute of looking for a power source in order to "change my situation" without any success, I decided to try my own advice on myself... I asked myself: "okay, so little miss smarty-pants, what could be the good in THIS situation for YOU, Andrea? Why might the sudden IN-ability to continue writing and get this post out to the eager masses of loyal fans be a GOOD thing? How might this situation be EXACTLY the right circumstance to move me along the path to my own dreams of glory or being offered a book deal????!" Silence. I couldn't think of anything. Zilch. But, on the other hand, I wasn't spending the downtime raging against the injustice of it all either - I was actively looking for the positive, or even, the necessarily neutral in the situation, and thus, felt a sense of inner peace with it all. ...I wasn't annoyed and frustrated anymore either! That is the REAL beauty of it! The goal is not necessarily to be happy-go-lucky all the time, just NOT to be focused on the upset!!! As it turns out, when I finally got back to being able to continue working on the post, I had used some more of my interim time to pick up a book a love and start to read a bit. (The book is "The Passion Test" by Janet and Chris Attwood - a book I highly recommend to anyone who is on the path of crafting where it is they think they want to go in life and or fulfilling big dreams and wondering the best way to go about it - it has a remarkable ability to give one a sense of confidence in the pure power of simply following one's own fascinations!) In it, I immediately found a quote that confirmed the wisdom of what I had been writing in the post in the first place: "Your challenge is to stay open, let go of your concepts about how your life should be, and embrace the way it IS! ...When you love the PROCESS, the results will take care of themselves!" (emphasis added)

What this all means to me is a confirmation of the ideas I had presented at the beginning of this post - that this IS the right path! What I am doing RIGHT NOW has a greater purpose for me, even if I don't know what it is right now! That staying open to the ideas about how any (and every) moment might be of benefit to me, I am allowing greater and greater levels of clarification, and, perhaps, even actual progress toward my goals and dreams even if I am not consciously aware of HOW that could be possible. And, most of all, by looking for the grace that might be living in any situation I may find myself to be in, I am much more likely to find it. And that, in itself, is the essence of the Law of Attraction - choose to focus on the good and the desirable, and make it your intention to feel good despite the circumstances and conditions you find yourself in, as THAT is the way to get to where your heart wants to go! And that, as far as I know, is what we all really want anyway!

Take heart... You ARE on the right path!
...Simply because you allow yourself to see that you are!