At a recent Abraham-Hicks "Art of Allowing" workshop in Los Angeles (02/03/08) there was a gentleman who got up to speak about his work, and not being able to make a lot of money at it - that being "fettered by money" was his "Achilles heel".... Abraham said, whoa, whoa there, you have to tell a DIFFERENT STORY! The gist of the wisdom was that in order to make money, or achieve anything at all, you have to start telling the story about it in a way that feels good NOW! They went on to say (and I am paraphrasing from memory here) that you cannot expect to keep telling people "I am a ________, but I don't make any money at it" and expect to make money at it! You have to tell the story that is in accordance (in alignment) with the way you WANT it to be. This is not to say that you can make 'pie-in-the-sky' claims that even you don't believe, but that sharing your vision of what is in the PROCESS of becoming is much more powerful than explaining what has been thus far - your "story" (...especially if the story of what has been thus far is NOT exactly what you want)!!
Think of the exuberance of a little kid who has his sights set on getting a new bike for his birthday - you can just hear him telling the world and anyone else who will listen "I'm going to get a new red bike! And it's going to be red, and it has two big wheels, and I can ride it all by myself, and I can go anywhere I want to go, and it's going to be red, and I can ride it really fast and it has cool handle grips, and it's going to be red..." and on and on it goes! Now Abraham would say that the new red bike is in the boy's "Vibrational Escrow" and that it is his excitement, enthusiasm, exuberance, and good-feeling vibration when he tells the "story" of him and his bike that IS the "Art of Allowing" the bike into manifestation. Another way to say it is that the new red bike already exists in the boy's VISION of his own future, and his reality is that it IS on his way to him now. It is his telling of the STORY of the bike coming that is having the effect of allowing it to actually become a reality in his world - it doesn't matter through what channels it actually comes (maybe his grandmother bought it for him, maybe he saved his allowance or earned money doing odd jobs for folks, maybe he won a contest) but it was his own excitement over the idea that what he wanted was a new red bike that gave everyone around him the idea and the potential to fulfill his wish!
Each one of us can do the same thing! And it really is as simple as taking some aspect of our own vision for ourselves (with dreams fulfilled) and making it the story we are telling NOW!
When somebody asks me what I am working on these days, rather than re-iterating again (for the gazillionth time) that things are kinda slow, I can tell them about MY "new red bike" that is alive and well in my vibrational escrow account, and I can say:
"Things are going great - I have clients that I am working with one-on-one, I am making a big difference in people's lives, I am LOVING what I am doing, and I am really excited about how natural it feels for me, I feel like I am actually creating more JOY in the world with the connections I am making both with and for clients and friends alike, my blog is really exciting to me, I am working on some book ideas and even toying with a TV show idea! I love how easy it is for me to communicate to others that they CAN achieve their dreams, that they CAN do it, and I love being the person they turn to when they need a "pick-me-up" because they KNOW that I believe in them! And, I keep having awesome new ideas for services that I think people will really like! My work is poised to bring in a lot of money for me, and it is starting to bloom - it is really neat to be watching it all become something so cool!"This is all true - it is taken right out of what I "know" about my future and what it will look like when my current dreams are fulfilled - my VISION for myself. There is absolutely NO obligation to re-state any aspect of my "story" that is not as I would like it to be right now. There is NO "truth-in-lending" full-story disclosure police that will come down and haunt my vision... In fact, it is the very insistence to keep repeating the aspects of our stories that we do not like that IS what is haunting us - by making it so our vision cannot manifest itself - because we keep saying it can't!!! (Remember the gentleman above who kept affirming that he doesn't make any money and was wondering why he didn't make any money!) Sound's pretty simple when you think of it that way, doesn't it!!!???
So take a look into your VISION for yourself, for your life, for your work - what will it look like when some of your nearest and dearest dreams are fulfilled? What are your reasons for wanting those goals fulfilled? How does it make you feel? How will you feel when that vision is exactly what you are actually doing?
Now incorporate some aspects of what you see for yourself in your vision (in your own vibrational escrow account) into the story you tell about yourself/your work NOW... Take out any mention of what is not currently to your liking, or, transform it into an aspect that is "becoming" what you want it to be. Develop a "story" about yourself that makes YOU FEEL GOOD when you tell it to someone who asks how you are or what you are up to! ...Even if it is just for yourself - make your VISION your NEW story and see how much faster YOUR new "red bike" starts to show up in your life!
And, if you are up to the challenge, dash off an e-mail to me right now and tell me your NEW story for yourself! What is in YOUR vision for yourself? I know that THAT is who you REALLY are! I believe in YOU - I would LOVE to be the first to hear the REAL story of what you are up to now!!!! Send your NEW story to