Wednesday, March 19, 2008

MY world...

My work is based on the idea that MY thoughts create what I experience to be MY reality - in other words, MY thoughts create MY world... I want to share MY world with you:
  • MY world is one of abundance for ALL - there is plenty of clean air to breathe, healthy delicious food to eat, and nourishing, life-giving, pure water to drink - plenty...
  • In MY reality, all people are learning to live together in harmony, in love, in peace, in kindness, and in mutual respect. In MY world, people are generous of spirit with one another and lift one another up with a smile, a word, a deed, and the knowledge of our inter-connectedness that surpasses all but the thread of love that weaves us...
  • In MY world everyone is doing work they LOVE to do - that inspires them, fulfills them, satisfies them, sustains them, and utilizes the unique gifts that we were each put here to use...
  • MY world has MORE than enough of everything for everybody who wants it - when something is temporarily in short supply, something NEW will be invented or a new process will take it's place to fill the need...
  • In MY reality each of us is living a life of JOY and beauty and love - sure, there may be moments of frustration or challenge, but only so long as it takes to forge new ideas of where to grow from here, to identify what new channel of satisfaction and fulfillment can be created from the new information I am living (and loving) today...
  • In MY world there is plenty of gas, homes, wheat, banks, oil, space, land, water, bandwidth, time, money, and resources to fill every need, and, when one of these (or something else) seems to be in short supply, it only means that something EVEN BETTER is on it's way...
  • MY reality is such that every cell in my body is perfect, whole, and complete and functioning at optimal levels - I am feeling better and better ALL the time - I am of pure, perfect health and wholeness, and MY world is sustaining me perfectly...
  • MY reality is so incredibly rich and abundant and free - in MY world, money is as simple as the energy flow of love and the more I am consciously and consistently sending the energy of love out from me, money is flowing right back in to me. In MY world, this is how it works for everybody - the energy of love is endless and thus, the flow of money is endless...
  • In MY world, I am surrounded only by people and situations that are in harmony with my intentions...
  • In MY reality I KNOW that there are thousands of examples of "good news" stories for every tragedy I accidentally hear about from a television broadcast - in MY world the media corporations don't televise the good news because there are SO MANY examples and instances that they simply don't have time...
  • ALL of my relationships are harmonious in MY world - I am happy and contented and peaceful in my interactions with friends, family, and all the people I come into contact with on a daily basis. My closest relationships are satisfying, fulfilling, loving, joyful, communicative, and enriching - I am in a glorious loving relationship with MY OWN true self, and all others flow harmoniously from there...
  • In MY world everything I become aware of can be turned around to benefit me, inspire me, teach me, help me to refine the ideas I have about what I want to experience next, and assist me in learning to love more...
  • In MY world we are all living EXACTLY the lives we truly want to be living, and if it isn't quite there yet, it just means that it is still on the way and I have MUCH to be excited about!!
...And MY world can be YOUR world too!

It is my plan to meditate on this vision of MY world for a moment each morning - to paint the picture of MY reality so firmly in my mind that what I experience can be no other way for me! Law of Attraction tells us that we manifest what we focus upon, and I choose to manifest MY version of reality! I am overcome with gratitude and appreciation that each and every one of us has the freedom to create their own vision in exactly the same way - we can choose to focus on the world the way the TV news would have it be, or we can choose to see it in a more loving and gentle light. It is my belief that as we choose it, so to we experience it - it is an individual choice. YOUR world IS what YOU choose it to be!

As for me, I intend to ONLY see examples of what reflects MY chosen reality back to me!

And so it is.