Monday, February 5, 2007

Swinging through the goal

In sports, golf in particular, we are taught by our coaches to "swing through the ball". By thinking of a full golf swing as going both through and beyond the ball, we can maximize the power generated through momentum to propel the ball as far as possible.

The same principle applies to attracting our goals/wishes/desires in life...

We move forward in life most effectively when we "Swing THROUGH the goal"!!

If you are aiming for a particular goal, or in the process of manifesting a desired experience, the Law of Attraction is working with you, behind the scenes, arranging all manner of circumstances, coincidences, and synchronicity on your behalf. The full power of the Universe is striving to support you in your goal by lining-up necessary events and meetings, relationships and occurrences to bring your desired goal about. This is a tremendous force, and with each passing day, it is moving faster and faster in the direction of your thoughts toward the goal.

This is fantastic!! ...That is, until you reach your goal, if you do not have a clearly articulated goal as a follow-up to the primary goal.

The very moment you reach your goal, the force of the Universe is effectively asking you: "Now what?", and if it doesn't have a new, bigger goal to continue using its energy on, it will dissipate in a smoldering heap. The creative power you have at your disposal, in ordering the power of the Universe to work for you, is a tremendous force - it takes a tremendous amount of momentum to get it going, and once it is working for you, it takes minimal energy to KEEP it going in that direction. But it needs to know what to work on next...

The way to keep it going in the right direction is to always have a follow-up goal, a bigger goal, and an even bigger goal after that, so it keeps working for you even when you think you've made it - to "swing THROUGH the goal"!

What is your most desired short-term goal right now?
What might it feel like when that goal is achieved?
When that first goal is a reality, what is something you will want after that?
Then what might you want?

Take out a piece of paper, or a notebook or journal and write down a brief answer to each of these questions. Then, continue to think about not only what you want right now, but what you think you will want after that - a month from now, 6 months from now, a year... Think about each goal you have as a step on the path to something even bigger or more magnificent, and you will also be maximizing the power of the Universe generated through momentum to propel your dreams as far as possible.