Monday, March 5, 2007

The Secret: "Original" vs. "Extended" edition

Many people have been confused lately about the two different versions of The Secret DVD that are floating around out there in circulation now...

Well, I have the answer! I took it upon myself to get the skinny on the facts and bring them to you!

Sometime late last year, the producers of The Secret re-edited the film to replace scenes that were originally done by Esther Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham / Abraham-Hicks) with scenes featuring other teachers from the film. This new version is the only version currently available when purchasing the DVD or streaming from the web site devoted to the film, and it is classified as "the extended edition" when purchased through other vendors (including the Applied Inspiration resources page.)

The "Original" edition of The Secret is the one that we are most familiar with, and it includes large portions which feature and/or are narrated by Esther Hicks, including many of the basic principles of the Law of Attraction as explained in The Teachings of Abraham. This version is still available, but only in the secondary market (used) and, considering it is no longer being released, it comes at a price. If you do want to purchase the original version of the film (or check the best going rate) you may also do that from the Applied Inspiration resources page. It is the The Secret icon with no image available, and Esther Hicks listed as the primary author.

And, just to clear up the last bit of confusion, the "extended" edition is not really extended - it is just different. It is the exact same length as the original edition, and has the same ideas/images/information, it is just that some of the wording, phraseology, explanations, and narration has been changed.

UPDATE: The newer edition of The Secret is actually 1 1/2 minutes longer than the original edition. I have gone through it to try to summarize the points throughout where the differences occur, but they are numerous, and a significant portion of the narration has been changed.

The long and the short of it is this: If you DO ever have a chance to see the original edition, I highly, highly recommend it!

Also, so you'll know it if you do get lucky enough to come across the original edition - you can tell which is which by looking at the box as well as the disc:
  • The original edition is © and ™ 2006 PRIME TIME PRODUCTIONS
  • The version without Esther Hicks / Abraham is © and ™ 2006 TS Productions LLC, and, it has the words "extended edition" underneath the "The Secret" logo on the back of the case, just above the language options/Dolby Digital logos as well as on the disc itself