Truth be told, of course all thoughts create reality! ...But, unfortunately, complaining almost always creates that reality faster, more distinctly, and more powerfully than quietly focusing on desires and wishes does! ...then, it creates even more complaints.
The reason for this is threefold:
1) Complaints are usually issued with powerful emotion, intensity, palpable feelings attached and a great deal of vivid mental imagery. That emotional energy is the fuel for thoughts which are manifested based on how intensely they are envisioned.
2) Complaints are usually repeated to oneself over, and over, and over - strengthening with every iteration. And then, making it even more tangible, complaints are often said aloud to others and to the Universe - thus soliciting further strength in the form of agreement from others, or the "arguing & defending" cycle of interaction which roots the thoughts ever more deeply (by forcing us to hold onto our "position" in the matter).
3) Complaints enhance an existing mental picture of "reality" - a decision about how "reality" IS that must be manifested through the Law of Attraction: That which is likened unto itself is drawn. In other words - you get what you focus on, and complaining is a powerful force of focus!
So, what to do about it???!!
The answer is simple (but not necessarily easy): STOP!
Stop and ask yourself: "What DO I want?"
As soon as you catch yourself complaining (or even indulging in someone else's complaints), simply stop. Try to imagine what experience you would like instead - both in the moment and with regard to the situation or relationship being complained about, and assert THAT instead!
You catch yourself hearing, speaking, thinking or saying something like: "this sucks - I just got laid off, I don't have any more money coming in, I can't afford anything I want anymore, and those jerks at work don't even know what they are doing - they are going to regret this!" STOP! What would you like instead???? Simply beginning to identify and verbalize what you would like instead will begin to put you on the road toward it! Just asking yourself what you would like instead can neutralize the venom of the complaining - YOU have the power!
YOU HAVE THE POWER! YOU! You are a powerful creator, you are a divine and glorious soul who is continuously creating and manifesting the experience you are living just by focusing your attention on it!
Try to keep coming back around to thinking about the experience you would like to have:
"I would like to feel good, and happy, and peaceful, and secure"
"I would like to have a job that I enjoy"
"I would like to feel calm while I am driving, even if there is traffic"
"I would like to be laughing rather than feeling like I want to break something"
"I want to feel fabulous, sexy, svelte, and hot in my clothes"
"I want to KNOW there is enough money for everything I need"
"I want to see evidence and examples of that being true"
"I want to be around happy people"
"I want to feel appreciated at work"
"I want to feel relief"
Identifying what IS wanted is the first step toward having it (and, it is the hardest part!) For many of us, the only thing that is holding us back from the life of our dreams is simply deciding WHAT that IS! So go ahead - next time you catch yourself proclaiming statements about something you DON'T want, try turning it around and take a stab at asserting what you would like instead. You will have just completed the most important part of a positive manifestation (...and, you can always change your mind again later!)