Saturday, September 29, 2007

Q & A on visualization, increasing "wanting", and faith...

"I'm starting to do Grabhorn's "playbook." One thing I found is that I can write all the affirmations but I have a hard time generating the real passionate, exciting feelings about the things I wrote that I want....Also I don't know if you read Shatki's Visualization book, I have a really hard time visualizing....I used to practice Vipassana meditation years ago staying at a monastery in Thailand but I don't practice meditation anymore...however I'm finding doing yoga is like meditation in action....:-) Sorry for the you have any suggestions on how to help generate genuine "wanting" feeling and passion about the things I do want? I think it's probably a faith issue or feeling of undeserving. I bet the resistance mostly comes from feeling of undeserving of the "dreams" I dream--or the things I REALLY want happen....!"
ANSWER: Thanks for writing - it's great to hear from you! Personally, I am not a big fan of Grabhorn's Playbook - I LOVED "Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting", but I didn't find the playbook that helpful for me to better the use of pure "Law of Attraction" techniques any more effectively.

Two books that I think are MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better are Joe Vitale's "The Attractor Factor" and Dr. Robert Anthony's "Beyond the Power of Positive Thinking".

As far as visualizing goes - chances are you are what is considered an "auditory" or "kinesthetic" learner (meaning you learn and internalize knowledge by hearing it (auditory) or feeling / moving / touching / handling it - more "hand's on" (kinesthetic)). I have read the Gawain book, and though I think it is excellent, it wouldn't do anything for someone who's imagination is more "sounds" or "feelings" based. So don't be too hard on yourself! The yoga would indicate that you are definitely primarily kinesthetic - so you would respond better to finding symbols and touchstones that you could hold and feel, or finding ways to dance/act out/create an actual model of what you want vs. someone else who might visualize (a visual learner). Find a creative way to actually try it/feel it/test-drive it (or something like it).

Also, I wouldn't jump too quickly to thinking that you have a faith issue, or that you subconsciously believe yourself to be undeserving - I don't think that is really it. The truth of who we really are is that we are divinely deserving, and I think your inner self knows that... The best thing I have found for generating a more energetic "wanting" for something is to get really clear and honest with yourself about WHY! ...And then, why that, and why that, and why that, and so on. Go through multiple levels of "why" - for instance: I want my divine right relationship. WHY? Because I want to love and feel loved in return. WHY? Because I like those feelings. WHY? Because it is so fun to be out doing something I enjoy and feeling that way. WHY? Because it is warm, and sweet, and colorful, and the world feels safe. WHY? Because I know that I can handle anything, especially when I have someone to share it with. ...And so on.

Another good thing to try is to take out pen and paper and WRITE a list of all the things that could POSSIBLY be BAD or negative about HAVING what you want. It may feel hard at first, but, believe me, they ARE there in your consciousness (if they weren't, you would have what you wanted already). Try to list at least 20 things - push yourself. Then, AFTER you have 20-30 potential negatives on your list, begin to create a new list where you dismantle each one of them, by writing TWO things that will be even better in your "new" life when you DO have what you want and/or what you would like your truth/reality to be on that subject. For instance: "I want to appear on a national TV show." What could possibly be negative about that? List 20-30 things: "1. Might lose privacy, 2. Might get really busy and not have time for my life, 3. Some people won't like me, 4. Who am I to profess to be an expert on this stuff?, 5., 6.,...,etc. After you complete your list, THEN start a NEW one: 1a) I can use my P.O. box to protect my privacy, 1b) Wayne Dyer still has some privacy - he is a good role model for me, 2a) The Universe won't give me more than I can handle, 2b) I like to be busy, and traveling to speaking engagements would be fun!, etc.

Those are two powerful exercises that will benefit you tremendously. I wish you well - let me know what miracles start to happen!

Peace and Joy,
