Sunday, May 25, 2008


At a recent Abraham-Hicks “Art of Allowing” workshop in Los Angeles, I again found that the questions on my mind always seem to be asked and answered no matter who is verbalizing the actual words! This is the response to a questioner asking how he could orient his thinking when he starts to feel discouraged that what he wants isn’t coming fast enough:

"…[Say to yourself] I’m on track, I’m doing pretty good, I’ve got another “30-day extension”! I’m happy most of the time, and when I’m not, I can feel it... And, some things in my life, I CAN see the evidence of my improved vibrational alignment! And, I’m dreaming big, and big dreams, from my point of view, sometimes take a little longer, and maybe that’s something that I need to work at in my vibration, but meanwhile, I am sure that these things that I am asking for are giving me a reason to focus that are going to give me payoffs on many other things! I have a feeling that my vibrational escrow is much bigger than I can even conceive of, and I know that the Law of Attraction is responding to the vibration that I am emitting, and I am willing to use THAT guidance - I am happy to use that POST-manifestational awareness! In others words, I am saying that “I’m happy” and I’m also saying “that it’s not happening fast enough”, so the manifestation that is ‘not happening’ shows me that I am not offering the vibration that maybe I think I’m offering, and so I’m willing to clean it up a little more, and clean it up a little more, and I can feel that ‘discouragement’ is not my friend! Even though I sometimes feel discouraged... I can feel that ‘encouragement’ IS my friend, I can feel that discouragement is not my friend, and hope is my friend - and there’s nothing wrong with being discouraged, but I WANT to be more hopeful! And I acknowledge that I am feeling pretty good most of the time, but I also acknowledge that there is more that I can do - and I’m willing to do it, I’m wanting to do it, I’m eager to do it! I don’t need the manifestation to happen in order to be happy - THAT is what I am coming forth in order to live, and learn, and teach! I don’t have to wait to get to the ending place in order to celebrate the journey that I have taken; my celebration is every step along the way! Look at me!"

--Abraham-Hicks February 2, 2008

The reason I went to the trouble of transcribing and posting this quote myself is because it inspired me and reminded me to keep my own chin up! …It allowed me to remember that my only work is to see it, believe it, and know it’s on it’s way – whatever “it” is! My work, in fact the only work that any of us need do is to soothe ourselves into the frame of mind such that we KNOW we are on track, we KNOW it’s a “done deal” already, and we KNOW that our future reality is safe, secure, and delicious! …We know it because we can find the thoughts with regard to what we are in the process of creating that feel good when we think them – simply “talking ourselves into it” so to speak!

Try doing what I did this evening: Read the above quote over a few times (or 20) and FEEL yourself as the one speaking it… Imagine it is YOU who is uttering these exact words, and let them seep into your truth… Find the ways that this quote, as spoken, is ALREADY EXACTLY CORRECT in your life right now…
  • The dreams you have ARE big dreams!
  • They MIGHT take a little more time!
  • You DO know they are coming!
  • You DO have every reason to feel encouraged!
  • You CAN clean up your vibration on anything that’s still sticky!
  • You DO feel pretty good most of the time!
  • You ARE living, learning and teaching along the way!
  • The journey of creation really IS fun and a celebration in itself!
FEEL it as REAL for you NOW!!! …Because it IS!